Is it safe to have multiple procedures? There are so many variable that come into play. Just a few to note include: a patient’s medical history, the expected amount of blood loss, the total operating time. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
It depends on the patients medical history, smoking status, and overall fitness.
In a young individual, combining breast reduction with liposuction of about 2000-3000 cc does not necessarily increase operative risk by a large magnitude.
However, if the patient has some underlying medical problems, is not physically fit, or has excessively large breasts (which can take a longer time to complete), or has a lot of volume for liposuction, then it would be best to stage the procedures.
Combine Lipo And Breast Reduction
I’m not sure which category you fall under, but hopefully your plastic surgeon has given you a lot of good information about your risk level. (Sirish Maddali, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
As long as you are under the care of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and a good anesthesia provider, the combination procedure you describe should be safe within limits familiar to your surgeon…
I think as long as the surgery is not too long (5-7 hours) and you are healthy, the advantages outweigh the risks. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
You can have the combine procedure with no additional risk
There are certain risks for each procedure and having the liposuction with breast reduction will not put you under extra risk. The main concern is the volume of the liposuction an the length of the surgery.
The risk will be much higher if the liposuction volume is more than 5 litters and surgery time more than six hours. (Kamran Khoobehi, MD, New Orleans Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction is safe under general anesthesia
There is quite a lot of data out there now to document the safety of these 2 procedures together. There are 3 anesthesia options: Local (tumescent), local plus sedation (probably the most common) or general.
Proponents of the local technique often make statements that it is safer than general, but this is not supported by current studies and completely ignores the sedation option. Your plastic surgeon can give you accurate advice on this. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Whether I perform multiple procedures depends on whether the procedures are complex, take more than 6 hours and the overall health of the patient. If you are in good health and the procedure is less than 6 hours then liposuction on your back can be performed first then you can be placed o your back and liposuction performed on your abdomen and finally the breast reduction. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)