It is usually in patients’ best interests to have any type of breast surgery there planning on having after completing pregnancies. Timing the operation in this fashion minimizes the chances that the patient will require further surgery after pregnancy and/or breast-feeding.
In your case you will find the breasts do tend to enlarge with pregnancy and that further breast reduction and/or mastopexy (breast lifting) may be necessary afterwards. It is “safe” to breast-feed after breast reduction surgery; a small percentage of women will not be able to breast-feed after undergoing breast reduction surgery. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Baby AFTER Breast Reduction is likely to result in Saggy Breasts
The Breasts Grow Significantly, Often Shrinking After Pregnancy
From a FUNCTIONAL consideration, a Breast Reduction will highly reduce the likelihood you would be able to breast feed.
From a COSMETIC view, a baby AFTER a Breast Reduction is likely to stretch the breast skin resulting in sagging breasts which may require a Breast Lift.
You should consider these factors and may wish to postpone having the Breast Reduction until you completed your family. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
Timing of Breast Reduction and Baby
As a general principle it is always best to have Plastic Surgery when everything IS stable and is anticipated to REMAIN stable. If you are planning on becoming pregnant soon you really should wait until you complete your family to have ANY Breast or Body Cosmetic Surgery including Breast Reduction.
The results would be a lot better if the operation was done once when everything is stable. BUT – if you are REALLY bothered by neck and shoulder pains then you need to weigh more relief now as opposed to a potentially compromised Breast Reduction results which may require revision in the future. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)Breast reduction before or after baby
If you are contemplating getting pregnant soon, you might wait on the reduction because it might need to be revised later. On the other hand, if they REALLY bother you terribly now, there is no reason not to do the surgery now and see what happens.
Most reductions don’t need further surgery after pregnancy so your’s might not either. Another time each day a plastic surgeron wishes they had a crystal ball. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)