Breast Reduction Fees

The fees for breast reduction surgery can vary quite a bit and this variation is mostly related to geographic location.

When having this done as a cosmetic prepaid procedure, the fees also can vary with the size of the breast and the magnitude of the operation at hand.

I know that at our facility, on the north shore of the Chicago suburbs, the fees can swing from $7000 to $12000, and that includes anesthesia and facility fees. (Michael A. Epstein, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction Fees Vary From Coast to Coast & Doctor to Doctor

Breast reduction surgery is a very effective way to alleviate neck, back, and shoulder pain caused by the large size of the breasts. Although there are no guarantees in the field of medicine, breast reduction surgery normally has very predictable outcomes regarding the alleviation of back, neck, and shoulder pain.

Breast Reduction Costs May Include Anesthesia Fees

A routine comment following breast reduction surgery includes “I wish I would have done this sooner.” The cost of breast reduction surgery varies from coast to coast and doctor to doctor. Recent statistics published by the American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery report that the average physician fee for this procedure is $5,272.

This does not include the hospital or facility fee. It does not cover the anesthesia fee. Depending on who performs the operation and where it is performed, this operation could reach $10,000 or more. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction Fees May Vary Depending on Insurance Coverage

Traditionally, breast reduction was a surgery that many insurance companies did cover, but as healthcare continues to change, the criteria have tightened up and many contracts actually include an exclusion regarding breast reduction (or any breast surgery that is not needed for the treatment of breast cancer).

It probably still is a good idea to have your plastic surgeon try to get it pre-authorized, but if you don’t meet your company’s criteria, or if it is an exclusion, then the average cost at our facility in the Midwest is $6,700.

Breast Reduction Surgery Is Often Performed For Medical And Non-cosmetic Reasons

That does include the surgeon, facility fee, and anesthesia. Costs may vary from surgeon to surgeon and facility to facility, and, depending on if any other surgeries are done at the same time. (Marie E. Montag, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Total cost for a breast reduction in Cincinnati will average about $6500. This is without insurance and includes surgeon fees, anesthesia, and facility fees.

Don’t choose your surgeon on price alone. Seek out board certified plastic surgeons and get 2-3 consults.

You may get different opinions-go with the one you are most comfortable with. (Kurtis Martin, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)

Do not assume that your surgery will not be covered by your insurance. It would be worth it to consult with a participating plastic surgeon who can help check on this for you. If not covered by insurance, the costs will vary depending on the geographic area.

Extensive Experience In All Types Of Breast Surgery

Our surgical fees for breast reduction surgery varies between $4000-6000 depending on the size of the breasts.

Some cases can be done in our fully accredited office OR where the OR/Anesthesia fees average $1400-1500, and some may need to be done at a nearby surgery center where the OR/Anesthesia fees average $2500.

While costs are very important, it is most important to choose an experienced plastic surgeon with whom you feel the most comfortable. (Michael Vincent, MD, Rockville Plastic Surgeon)

If you have a medical need for a breast reduction, it is possible to have your insurance cover the procedure. If your reasons for wanting breast reduction are purely cosmetic, there are still ways to finance the procedure to make it more affordable for you.

If the procedure is medically need, then check with your insurance company to find out if any or all or part of the procedure can be covered. Insurance companies have different criteria you must meet to be covered.

Extent Of Breast Reduction Procedure

Here are some common criteria: your plastic surgeon must estimate that at least 500 grams from each breast, must show that you have disabling symptoms directly attributable to your large breast, you have tried everything in your to resolve the condition yourself, must be at or near your ideal body weight.

The cost of the procedure will have several factors: location, facility fees, anesthesia fees, surgeon fees. I would advise you to schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine what is the best plan for your individual needs. (Todd Ginestra, MD (in memoriam), Clermont Plastic Surgeon)

Under the same circumstances, meaning surgeons of the same caliber, with the same qualifications, experience, and reputation, the cost of breast reduction surgery depends on how large the breasts are, where the surgery is done, whether it is done strictly as an outpatient procedure or at a hospital with overnight stay, and how time consuming the technique chosen is.

Fees Include Anesthesia, Which Ranges From $1,000 To $1,500

This cost can range anywhere from $9,000 to $25,000. (Ruben B. Abrams, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Of course the cost of breast reduction surgery varies greatly from city to city. If insurance does not cover this procedure, it is considered cosmetic and would need to be paid in advance or financed.

The total cost for this procedure including surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, facility and supplies in our practice is $4,900. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Although prices vary in different regions of the country, the price in our area is about 12,500.00 which include the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, and operating room fee. The fees will sometimes vary with the amount to be taken and thus the time needed for the procedure. (Thomas Guillot, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)


The cost of breast reduction varies by region and by setting. If you go for a “cosmetic” breast reduction, your best bet would be to have the operation in an ambulatory surgery center or private surgical suite in order to limit the amount of fees charged by hospitals.

In addition to the professional fees for the surgery itself, the breast tissue should be submitted to a pathologist which may generate another fee that your insurance may or may not pay.

I believe for most providers in the mid Atlantic region, the average fee for breast reduction is 6500 with anesthesia and operating room fees that vary according to hospital vs surgery center vs office operating suite.

The other option that you should consider is to change insurance policies to one that does cover breast reduction. (Stephen M. Chen, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)

The Average Boob Reduction Cost Varies From $5,000 To $7,000

The average cost for the surgeon’s fee is 8000.00. the operating room and anesthesia costs will very form facility to facility. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Great variety of breast reduction cost

Each insurance plan has requirements for covering breast reduction. They or your plastic surgeon can obtain these requirements for you so you can read through them yourself and see what if anything you can do to qualify for breast reduction under insurance.

In terms of the cost of breast reduction when paid for by the patient, it will vary greatly depending on the plastic surgeon and the location. Certain locations such as Manhattan, New York will be more expensive than Phoenix for example.

The price will also vary depending on the plastic surgeon. It will be important to remember that the higher the price does not necessarily mean the better the result or service. Average breast reduction including surgeons fees, anesthesia, and facility fees will be between 5K and somewhere in the 15K range. Most commonly the average breast reduction cost will hover around 6-7K. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

The Average Cost Of Breast Reduction (aesthetic Patients Only) Is $5,631

The survey done by RealSelf indicates that Breast Reduction Average Cost ≈ $5,789. In Orange County, CA, I would estimate the cost by a board certified plastic surgeon to range from $5500 to $12000 depending on the complexity, length of surgery, experience of surgeon and different surgeon price structure, variation in surgery center fees, whether an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist is involved, etc. An estimate of total costs should be provided to you in advance. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Fees vary widely, both from one region or area to another, but even within a given region. There are many reasons for that.

These include the surgeon’s experience and expertise, reputation, and many other factors. The best advice I can give is to do your research online and other ways before-hand (speak with doctors, previous patients, etc., to the extent that you can) and then go see several doctors in person. In that manner, you’ll be able to make an informed decision as to what you want to do – and you’ll find out the costs.

The Cost Of Bust Reduction Involves Three Fees The Anesthesia Fee, The Facility Fee And The Surgeon’s Fee

Be sure to ask for the total costs – including surgery fee, anesthesia, and facility fees. You are certainly entitled to know before hand what the total costs will be. (Alan M. Engler, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

The cost can vary greatly, depending on your geographical area, the experience and popularity of the surgeon you choose, and which type of breast reduction surgery you have.

If the breasts are extremely pendulous requiring additional time and work, the procedure will cost more.

Every breast reduction surgery is unique, so it is unrealistic to try to get a quote before having a consultation and exam. However to give you a generalized idea, for my practice in the San Francisco Bay Area, the fee (including anesthesia, and the surgery center) the range can be from $4500 (for breast reduction by liposuction) to $11,500 for a breast reduction with a lift. (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

The Surgeon’s Fee Is The Most Difficult To Predict Without First Knowing The Extent Of The Procedure

The fees for a cosmetic breast reduction will vary based on a number of factors including your geographical location, the time needed, the facility fee, and the anesthesia fees. At The Sullivan Centre in Columbus, Ohio, the total fee for a cosmetic breast reduction is about $5,600- $6,200.

Contact a reputable, board certified plastic surgeon in your area to determine the fees. (Christine Sullivan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of breast reduction varies on number of hours that will take to perform your surgery. For instance, a small reduction with lift will not take as long to perform than a very large reduction.

Cost of surgery usually include your plastic surgeon’s fee as well as OR and anesthesia fee. The price varies region to region as well as plastic surgeon to plastic surgeon. For Houston, it can be $6500 to $10000. (Sugene Kim, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Financing Options

In Denver, the fees for breast reduction range from about $7,000 -$11,000, depending on the surgeon and the location of the procedure (surgery center or hospital). (Paul C. Zwiebel, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction fees are going to vary

As with anything else, surgical fees and costs are going to vary depending on where you live, the details of the the procedure in question, and the experience and reputation of the surgeon. I think the most important thing to emphasize to you is the importance of finding a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon that you like and feel comfortable with, and who you believe can do a good job for you (ask how often they do breast reduction).

Once you have found someone you feel can help you, then worry about the costs. Many fine financing options exist, and any good surgeon is going to even have staff able to help you with the paperwork–so find the right surgeon first. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)