Dr. Cusimano in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Name: Luke Cusimano, MD
Last name: Cusimano
Gender: male
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2018
Years experience: 5
Primary Specialty: Plastic Surgeon
Business: Cusimano Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
Address: 5233 Dijon Dr.
Phone: +1 225-761-8687
City: Baton Rouge
State: Louisiana
Zip Code: 70808
Country: US
Statement: Dr. Cusimano, FACS, strives to provide his patients with not only beautiful and natural-looking results but professional and top-notch care. He believes in a personalized approach to surgery, taking the time to consider your individual aesthetic goals and creating a unique treatment plan to help you achieve those goals.
Consulting Fees: 80$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • Our Lady of the Lake, Baton Rouge General, St. Elizabeth’s, Woman’s Hospital
  • Undergraduate: BS, Kinesiology, Louisiana State University
  • Medical: MD, American University of the Caribbean
Postdoc Training
  • Internship: General Surgery – State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Residency: General Surgery – State University at Buffalo, NY
  • Chief Resident: General Surgery – University of Mississippi
  • Fellowship: Plastic Surgery, Tulane University New Orleans
  • Chief Fellow: Plastic Surgery, Tulane University New Orleans

GPS coordinates on map: 30.402565,-91.1112093

Primary location
Location name: Baton Rouge
State: LA
Country: US
Map point: 30.4679,-91.12960052

Luke Cusimano, MD

  • Arm Lift
  • Body Lift
  • Botox
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Implant Revision
  • Breast Implants
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Lift with Implants
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Breast Reconstruction Revision
  • Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap
  • Breast Reconstruction with Fat Transfer
  • Breast Reconstruction with Latissimus Flap
  • Breast Reduction
  • Brow Lift
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Double Eyelid Surgery
  • Ear Surgery
  • Earlobe Repair
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Facial Fat Transfer
  • Gynecomastia Surgery
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Juvederm
  • Labiaplasty
  • Lip Fillers
  • Liposuction
  • Mommy Makeover
  • Radiesse
  • Restylane
  • Restylane Defyne
  • Restylane Lyft
  • Restylane Refyne
  • Restylane Silk
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Thigh Lift
  • Tummy Tuck

RealSelf Info

Rating: 5.0
Profile views: 1973
Answer count: 16
Review count: 3
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Aug 13, 2018
Profile modified: Nov 10, 2021
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Eligible Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Aug 16, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Baton Rouge, LA, US. GPS coordinates: 30.4679,-91.12960052

Latest ratings of treatments

  • Breast Reduction (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Tummy Tuck (Dec 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reduction (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Tummy Tuck (Dec 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reduction (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reduction (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Tummy Tuck (Dec 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Tummy Tuck (Dec 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reduction (Mar 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reduction (Mar 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5

Latest Prices

Tummy Tuck Prices

  • $14375 – Dec 6, 2018
  • $14375 – Dec 6, 2018
  • $14375 – Dec 6, 2018
  • $14375 – Dec 6, 2018

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Do I have an infection in my left boob? I had a small bit of discharge. I’ve had no pain or fever (Ph
Oct 26, 2018
Thank you for your question. First of all congratulation on a sucessful augmentation and mastopexy. Having a small amount of discharge after surgery like this is not uncommon; especially from the point that makes a T. With that being said though I still suggest that you have your plastic surgeon examine the breast because that is really the only way to be sure that things are not infected. Hope this helps and best of look in your recovery.
Can the results of my rhinoplasty be affected after being slapped in the nose?
Nose trauma
Oct 26, 2018
Thank you for your question. Trauma in the early stages of recovery can cause changes to the newly reconstructed nose. A lot has to do with what was done and how hard you were hit. I would suggest that you make an appointment with your plastic surgeon asap so that he may examine your nose and determine if there is anything that needs to done.
Can I have rhinoplasty with left ventricular hypertrophy?
Elective Surgery with LVH
Sep 6, 2018
Good afternoon,
Thank you for you question. This question brings up a good point with elective surgery and that is that all surgeries are risk vs benefit. We attempt to minimize the risks associated with any surgery and especially elective surgery, but we can never completely eliminate them. Without doing a complete history and physical exam in person it is impossible to speak in absolutes. In general with this diagnosis you need a thorough workup pre-operatively to…
Will Belt Lipectomy and Trunk Liposuction remove excess groin skin?
Belt lipectomy
Sep 6, 2018
Thank you for your question. It is extremely hard to answer this question with any king of specifics without and examination and even more so without pictures. With that being said speaking in generalities you will get some lift and removal of pubic skin excess with a belt lipectomy. This area in most cases cannot be completely removed but with a combination of liposuction and excision it can be improved. The best recommendation I can give you is to make sure that you…
Horrendous scars after Benelli lift – can anything be done?
Periareolar breat lift scarring
Sep 5, 2018
I am sorry you are having issues with the scarring from your breast lift. Keeping an open line of communication with your plastic surgeon is important. They were correct to encourage you to wait a year to see how the scars matured. Unfortunately, this type of breast lift is known to be at risk for developing widened scarring around the nipples. If you are still unhappy with how they look, then one of the potential treatments would be to excise the scars under local…
When is it okay to kiss after septoplasty?
Aug 31, 2018
Thank you for your question. In general I tell my patients that if doing something after surgery causes pain that is your body giving you warning signals to stop. I would suggest that if kissing and making out is causing you discomfort, and especially if you are having contact with your newly reconstructed nose I would suggest that you refrain. With that being said it is unlikely that you have caused any damage and will have no sequela from the light taps. I would…
I have uneven lips. What can be done about it?
Lip assymetry
Aug 31, 2018
Thank you for your question. Dermal fillers would be a good option to allow you to even out your lips in a minimally invasive way. The dermal fillers will not be a permanent solution, but will last anywhere from months to years depending on what type of filler is used. I would recommend that you locate a Plastic Surgeon close to you and get a in person consultation to discuss this further.
Best Wishes
I’m 18 years old, why does my face look twice my age?
Animation wrinkles
Aug 23, 2018
Dear WeirdWolf,
Thank you for your question. You are experiencing wrinkling when your muscles are contracting or when your face is animating. This is completely normal process that occurs with aging. We all have different skin types and our skin ages at different rates. You would benefit from a good skin care regimen.. Also, a common technique to address the animation wrinkling that you are having is Botox. The best way to know what is exactly right for…
I have implant and was in an auto accident. My left breast is capsulizing and it’s painful. I need th
capsular contracture and lift
Aug 21, 2018
I am sorry to hear about your accident and the complications you are having with your implants. There are a lot of factors that play into the decision regarding whether or not you can do the lift at the same time as the implant surgery. This is a not a straight forward situation and would best be determined by a plastic surgeon in person. I would suggest that you get a second opinion so that you can have more than one set of recommendations allowing you to make the most…
What procedure can be done to give my breast a natural shape/look and on the lipo gone wrong? United
Refining DIEP Breast Reconstruction
Aug 20, 2018
Dear HER21215,
Thank you for your questions. You should make sure that you express each of these concerns with your plastic surgeon that performed your procedures as he/she is in the best position to help you reach your goals with reconstruction. Placing implants under the DIEP flaps is not an uncommon practice. The implants will allow you to gain some projection and volume with good soft tissue coverage if that is your ultimate goal. I would suggest another round of…
445cc implants look cartoonish on me – Will this change as time goes on?
Breast aug size
Aug 17, 2018
Dear ItsAKnifeLife,
Thank you for your question. You are still early in the postoperative phase and things are significantly swollen at this time. The size of the implant itself will not change over time, but the size of the breast overall will change as the swelling goes down. You will also notice over the next couple of months that the implants will settle and this will lend itself to a more natural look. I know that it can be hard, but at this point patience is the most…
Can I get better symmetry with fat grating alone?
DIEP revision and symmetry
Aug 17, 2018
Dear hko12,
Congratulations on making it this far in the process. Your results from DIEP surgery are quite nice, your Plastic Surgeon did good job. I would agree with his recommendations of a lift on the natural breast, skin paddle removal, and fat grafting to both breast. I do not think that you would able to obtain as good of symmetry with only fat grafting compared to a lift with fat grafting. Depending on what you read about half of the fat placed will be…
Capsular contracture again in left breast, 1 year post op replacement. Can I have the implants remove
Recurrent Capsular contracture
Aug 17, 2018
Dear tatty183,
I am sorry to hear about the recurrent capsular contracture that you are experiencing. Obviously, having a very honest and frank discussion with your Plastic Surgeon about the pro’s and con’s of removing the implants is the best first course of action. There are a lot of variables and questions that are unanswered in your history and without being able to examine you it is hard to give you absolutes. In general though there are many different causes that are…
How much lipo is covered by insurance for stage 2 Diep surgery? I need lipo on my stomach AND flanks!
DIEP Stage 2 Revision
Aug 16, 2018
Thank you for your question. The best idea would be to discuss these concerns with your Plastic Surgeon as they will be able to check directly with your insurance. In most cases scar revision and liposuction for fat grafting to improve symmetry are covered for second stage procedures. It is also very important to discuss your expectations with your Plastic Surgeon as well so that they can fully explain what can be achieved and what cannot.
What can be done to improve my breast reconstruction after a bilateral mastectomy?
Revision Breast reconstruction
Aug 16, 2018
Dear catbear
I am sorry that your reconstruction has not met your expectations. Do not fear as there are still plenty of options open to you to further improve your reconstruction. I would suggest returning to your Plastic Surgeon and discussing some of the issues that you have noted with him. Potentially you may be a good candidate for a conversion from implant based reconstruction to flap based reconstruction with DIEP flaps. This would allow you have smaller…

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Last updated on 11/24/2023