Flat Nipple Surgery Before And After Pictures

View flat nipple surgery before and after photos by leading plastic surgeons.

Flat nipples are one of the varieties of inverted. They are on par with the areola and do not come forward.

This pathology refers to the hiding nipples. Unlike the inverted nipples, they stretch out when palpation and breast-feeding.

This possibility persists, since soft tissues are not affected by fibrosis, and the milk ducts are not tightened permanently.

Flat nipples complicate the process of breastfeeding. In addition, they can often become inflamed due to accumulation of cutaneous fat and mechanical particles in the nipple, may cause maceration of the areola.

But the most common reason for the correction of nipples is psychological discomfort and a sense of self-doubt due to a defect in appearance.

It can form an inferiority complex and negatively affect the sexual life of a woman, because during intimacy she will be shy and clamped.

The reasons for the formation of flat nipples include:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Violation of the development of genital organs;
  • Underdevelopment of milk ducts;
  • Hyperfunction of the genital organs;
  • Frequent wearing of tight underwear.

25-34 Year Old Woman Treated With Nipple Surgery By Dr. Burton M. Sundin, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon

Flat nipples can be a congenital or acquired pathology. Therefore, before performing their correction, it is recommended to undergo a thorough mammological examination, since the cause of inversion of the nipples may be the development of the tumor.

Since flat nipples are amenable to stimulation, it can be effective to wear a vacuum nozzle. This method assumes its use for 2 weeks in the daytime. At night, the nozzle is removed, while checking the chest for inflammation or the formation of cracks.

A more radical way to correct flat nipples is a surgical operation. It is cosmetic and does not require a long recovery (swelling and bruising disappear for 2-3 days after plastic surgery).

To preserve the possibility of breastfeeding, it is performed by microsurgical technique, which allows you to excise only the strings that draw the nipple into the inside, leaving the dairy ducts intact.

To pull disappearing nipples, the surgeon makes a small incision that becomes almost imperceptible. Correction of the nipples in total takes about an hour and is performed under local or in some cases general anesthesia.

After the operation, it is recommended to avoid overheating of the operated area for 2 months (steaming and sunbathing).

Thus, flat nipples are amenable to correction with the help of surgical and non-invasive methods. The resulting aesthetic result is of a lasting nature.

Gallery Before And After: