Surgical options to correct gynecomastia are not limited to liposuction. Options include direct excision, liposuction alone, or a combination of the two. To determine which option is right for you depends upon the severity of the gynecomastia as well as the condition of the chest skin. (David Bogue, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
There are various techniques for treating male breast enlargemtent or gynecomastia. The choice depends on a proper assessment of what is the predominant problem – extra breast tissue or fat or both. There are liposuction options and open surgical excision options. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
What Happens During Gynecomastia Surgery & When Liposuction is a Great Option
It’s important to realize that no two patients with gynecomastia are exactly alike and because of this treatment needs to be individualized. In some cases, patients may have increased amounts of glandular breast tissue, in others there may be increased amounts of fat and finally some patients may have increased amounts of fat and breast tissue.
Man Boobs
In many patients with gynecomastia, excision of breast tissue can be augmented with liposuction of the surrounding tissue. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia is enlarged breast tissue which cannot be suctioned out easily. The treatment for gynecomastia is surgical excision of the glandular tissue with liposuction for chest wall contouring.
A small camouflaged incision is made around the areola. Lipo alone is inadequate. (Tim Neavin, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia options
Removal of gynecomastia tissue can be performed by:
1) Excision
2) Liposcution
3) Both (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
It depends on the cause of your gynecomastia. True gynecomastia is the excess growth of breast glands, and this often cannot be addressed with liposuction alone. It requires excision. If the breasts are enlarged due to excess fat only, then liposuction alone can achieve a good improvement (although excision may still be required if loose skin needs to be removed as well). (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Medical Condition Called Male Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia surgery may involve liposuction and/or excision. Many patients who present with concerns of gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts benefit from some form of liposuction. I prefer power assisted liposuction, but ultrasonic liposuction is another good option.
Some patients, however, have some very firm, glandular tissue that will require excision with an incision made on the underside of the areola. (Sanjay Grover, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia Surgery with Liposuction Alone
Patients with true gynecomastia typically do not get ideal results with just liposuction. This is because in true gynecomastia there is an excess of breast tissue which is not similar in consistency and texture to fatty tissue.
Whereas liposuction is useful in removing fatty tissue, it is rarely successful in removing breast tissue. (Babak Dadvand, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
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My procedure of choice for the majority of gynecomastia patients is PAL, or Power Assisted Liposuction. Using the Microaire system, along with special “penetrating cannulas”, I am able to remove both breast and fatty tissue and avoid open excision in most of the “puffy nipple” and gynecomastia patients I treat.
Some patients, such as body builders who are extremely lean and have only a rubbery lump under the areola may require open excision of this particularly dense breast tissue. (David F. Pratt, MD, Kirkland Plastic Surgeon)
At my practice, the type of surgery I recommend to correct gynecomastia is customized for each patient, and is primarily based on what type of tissue is causing the breast fullness. If the tissue is mostly diet resistant fat, liposuction can effectively flatten the contour of the chest.
For most patients, the excess chest fullness is due to a combination of fat and glandular tissue (dense, rubbery breast tissue), which is usually located behind the areolas. If glandular tissue is present, liposuction alone is not effective.
Guys Shouldn’t Have Boobs
Very rarely, and only in cases of very male large breasts and areolas, are more significant incisions needed.
I cannot overstate the relief that men with gynecomastia feel once their chest is flat again. This can be a life altering surgery for those men ashamed of their own physique and tired of dealing with other peoples’ teasing. (Robert Cohen, MD, Santa Monica Plastic Surgeon)
Scarless gynecomastia surgery
See if someone in your area offer the Scarless approach. Tiny incision inside the arm pit with no visible scars in the front of the chest.
Liposuction is easily perfomed through this approach and if there is gland it is also removed from the same incision using a special instrument that liquifies the hard gland.(Sherwood Baxt, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)
Male Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery
If there is an actual breast gland behind the nipple/areolar complex, the gland will have to be excised (cut out). Usually some liposuction is necessary as well to achieve a smooth contour unless you have virtually no fat on your chest.
Sometimes in one who is over-weight, liposuction is the main part of the procedure. (E. Ronald Finger, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)
Two parts to gynecomastia: fat and glandular tissue
True gynecomastia requires cutting out the breast or glandular tissue through a small incision. Most men also have some fatty tissue that causes enlargement of the breasts. Liposuction is used to treat this part. (Daniel Yamini, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Options For Male Breast Reduction Surgery Photo
90% Gynecomastia surgery includes excision and liposucion
Body builders need only excision,but most other patients need both. 90% of the patient as I indicated ned a combination. The experience of the surgeon is of paramount importance. (Mordcai Blau, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction for male breast reduction
In some cases liposuction alone will reduce the male breast if it is caused by excess fat alone. The majority of men with gynecomastia have both breast tissue and fat. Breast tissue is too dense to be removed by liposuction and would need to be removed surgically.
To get the best result, some men may need a secondary procedure to tighten and/or lift the skin. It is important to be evaluated by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in gynecomastia. (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
The Best Options To Get Rid Of Man Boobs
Gynecomastia is enlargement of the male breasts either because of excess fat cells or glandular tissue. The surgery would depend on what the problem is. The majority of patients do well with just liposuction of the fat cells, where as some need an excision of the tissue.
The surgeon would let you know at the time of consult. (Shain A. Cuber, MD, Edison Plastic Surgeon)
Difference between pseudo and true gynecomastia
Gynecomastia (fancy latin root for male breast) – can be from either a) excess fat – in which case it is called pseudo (or false) gynecomastia, or it can be b) excess breast gland – which is related to hormonal imbalances (and exacerbated by obesity).
If it is pseudo-gynecomastia, it can be treated with lipo. If there is a significant true gynecomastia component, it may require direct excision through a 1″ cut around the areola. It is not always pefectly obvious which kind of gynecomastia it is (and it is usually a mixed amount of both) — and it will require a physician to examine you in person. (Navin K. Singh, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction for the correction of gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is typically corrected using two types of techniques. If the extra fat is centrally located and directly underneath the areola, this fat may be directly excised using a small incision at the base of the areola.
However if the fat is also diffuse and located throughout the chest liposuction is the preferred treatment. As the male chest has thicker and more dense fat than other parts of the body, ultrasound liposuction works extremely well in this setting. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Treatment for Gynecomstia / Male Breast Reduction
The surgical treatment for gynecomastia or male breast enlargement can involve a number of components. This includes liposuction alone or combined with either removal of glandular tissue under the breast and or the removal of excess skin. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia Treatment
The treatment for gynecomastia really depends on the diagnosis and the extent to which it affects the patient. True gynecomastia (hypertrophied breast tissue on a male) generally requires some type of excisional surgery for treatment.
For men who have lipodystrophy of the chest (too much fat on their chest), liposuction works well. The problem is that there is a spectrum of what we are calling gynecomastia.
Some patients have fatty chests with a little bit of glandular tissue, others are mostly breast tissue.
When I treat a patient with gynecomastia, I will first address the chest with power assisted liposuction to remove as much tissue as possible. If there is still noticeable breast tissue present, I will then make a small periareolar incision through which I will directly remove the tissue. (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Lose Your Man Boobs
This really depends on the extent of the problem. Gynecomastia can be a combination of excess breast tissue, fat and/or skin. If it is due to fat primarily, liposuction can be an excellent method of treating the problem.
However, in the vast majority of instances it is typically treated by both breast AND fat removal. This can be accomplished with the use of ultrasonic assisted lipoplasty. In my opinion the best results require excision of a protion of the gland in addition to liposuction and/or lipectomy (fat removal). (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia, elarged breast in males, results from an increased volume of glandular (breast) tissue and/or fat (adipose) tissue.
Most commonly both glandular and fatty components are present in excess amounts. Sucessful treatment requires identification and treatment of the type of tissue excess present. (Jay M. Pensler, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia and Liposuction
Gynecomastia is characterized by excessive growth of the breast parenchyma in males. The manifestations of gynecomastia include increased breast volume, skin redundancy, and nipple ptosis. In cases of breast volume enlargement without skin redundancy and nipple ptosis, liposuction is the optimal treatment.
In cases of skin redundancy or ptosis, surgical excision and repositioning of the nipple is warranted. This latter procedure is more complicated and should be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)