The development of puffy nipples in males can certainly indicate gynecomastia. With any breast development behind the nipple, the areola will be stretched and appear enlarged.
Surgery can be done to remove the glandular tissue which will make the appearance of your nipples and areola smaller, and if the areola remains enlarged after glandular excision, an areolar reduction can be performed to surgically minimize the areola, but this does require a circumferential incision around the areola. (Nelson Castillo, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Male nipple puffiness and enlargement
Many men will have issues concerning large breasts or puffy nipples. This is referred to as gynecomastia and has many causes.
Most commonly normal hormone changes which occur during adolescence but other causes may include liver or hormonal abnormalities, steroid medication, marijuana use, other prescription medicines.
Breast Tenderness
Most patients are happy with their results and gain a new degree of confidence in their appearance. (Andrew Goldberg, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)
Large and puffy nipples
There is a difference between large prominent nipples and “puffy” nipples. Prominent nipples are when the actual nipple, and only the nipple, are larger and protrude outward. Most guys do not complain about this. Puffy nipples on the other hand is when there is fullness beneath the entire nipple-areola area.
This causes the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple) to appear puffed out. A lot of guys don’t like this. It often is from a mild case of gynecomastia but can also be just the tip of the iceberg.
Distended Nipples And Puffy Areola
Recovery also varies depending how severe the problem and can range from a couple days to a week off work. No exercise for two weeks. Final results are seen usually by three months. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Scarless Reduction of Puffy Nipples
The most common cause of enlarged or “puffy” nipples on a male chest is gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. Generally, treatment of mild to moderate sized gynecomastia with a male breast reduction i.e. by liposuction with or without gland excision, will result in a fairly normal sized nipple areolar complex (nipple and surrounding pigmented skin), which in most men without gynecomastia is slightly larger than a penny, with a diameter somewhere between 3/4 to 1 1/4 inches.
Glandular Tissue Starts Growing In Males
In this case, a periareolar surgical reduction of the areolar skin will be required to make the “nipples” smaller. The average cost for male breast reduction according to a recent survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons was approx $3500. Additional anesthesia and facility fees are often required. A physician certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery would be the best choice. The exact length of recovery time would depend on the specific procedure required.
In most cases, 3-5 days should be enough to return to work. A compression vest is usualy worn for 1 month. Final results can take up to 6 months. (David F. Pratt, MD, Kirkland Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia May Be Present In Newly-born Male Infants
The average time to go back to work is 3-7 days, and in my practice I allow patients to resume exercise between 4-6 weeks based on what surgery was performed. (Babak Dadvand, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Areolar protuberance can be corrected with some liposuction +/- a periareolar excision of excess areolar tissue.
This is fixable with nipple reduction surgery. The tissue underneath the nipple can be removed to flatten the area, or the actual areola can be modified. (Michael Constantin Gartner, DO, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia Symptoms And Cardinal Features
Your deformity may be a combination of the two. It is also possible to make nipples smaller by using a suture to cinch down the area. There is definitely a strategy to fix this, but it will require a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Salvatore Pacella, MD, MBA, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Enlarged nipples and/or areolas may sometimes be the only signs of gynecomastia
Gynecomastia can present in many ways. Most commonly it is the actual size of the breast mound. But at times the nipple and areolas may also be enlarged, sometimes without any breast enalrgement. If the nipples only are enlarged they can be reduced bya fairly simple procedure under local anesthesia with immediate return to work.
How Best To Approach This Condition
There is usually very minimal scarring. The results can be quite dramatic. (George Lefkovits, MD – Account Suspended, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Large and/or puffy nipples and areola in a male: Male breast reduction
In my experience, when males describe their condition as large or puffy nipples, they require a full gynecomastia repair. Isolated prominent nipples can be treated with reduction bu this is not what you have. The puffiness comes from excess glandular tissue beneath the skin which needs to be removed. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Male Gynecomastia Photo
Nipple (areola) reduction is possible. The surgery involves placing a scar all the way around the areola which will fade (not completely) over time. A plastic surgeon is a specialist to see. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Gynecomastia – It’s more common than people realize
Having some breast tissue growth is very common during puberty and is almost always benign and resolves spontaneously once the hormonal milieu of puberty settles down.
Man Breasts Are Typically A Point Of Embarrassment For Men Who Have It
Patient’s often tell me they outright avoid social situations where they might remove their shirt (pool or beach) and wear loose fitting clothing. Although uncommon it is important to have a medical evaluation to rule out a medical cause for the breast enlargement such as cancer, hormone releasing tumors, medications as well as marijuana use can all result in enlargement of male breasts.
I have had one patient with a pituitary tumor and one patient with testicular cancer both present with gynecomastia.) Once you test normal for hormonal screening and physical exam show no abnormal or suspicious masses in the breast or testis, I would seek out consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who can go over options for surgical treatment of the breast tissue by directly excising the tissue often including liposuction and other treatment to reduce the size of the areola. (Joseph B. Eby, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
If you have significant gynecomastia at times performing the gynecomastia procedure will be sufficient enough to reduce the size of the nipple as the skin retracts. Other wise you may need a peri-areolar mastopexy or also called donut mastopexy. (Tal T. Roudner, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Physical And Psychological Effects Of Male Gynecomastia
Periareolar Mastopexy To Address Enlarged Nipples
It’s not unusual for men to be concerned about enlarged nipple areola complexes. When this occurs, men note that their areolas are of larger than average size and appear to be puffy. This condition is frequently associated with an underlying gynecomastia.
This condition tends to make the chest look more feminine and for this reason men frequently request treatment. In most cases a periareolar mastopexy can be performed to address the problem. With this technique, an incision is made around the border of the areola and excess areola is removed through this approach.
If gynecomastia is present this can be addressed simultaneously. When the wounds are closed the scar is positioned between the areola and surrounding skin where it’s easily hidden. Following surgery most activities can be resumed in about a week, heavy lifting and strenuous activities may take up to six weeks.
Treatment For Adolescent Gynecomastia
Puffy nipples can be treated with several techniques. Depending on the severity of the condition; liposuction, excision of glandular tissue & areolar excision (to reduce the diameter of a large areola) can help. You would need to see a board certified plastic surgeon for this procedure.
The average procedure cost at our centre would be 1500-2000 US$. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia with sedation, as a daycare procedure. The recovery time can be as little as 2-3 days following the procedure. (Sameer Karkhanis, MS, DNB, India Plastic Surgeon)
Nipple Reduction
There are multiple options to correct this problem. I would recommend consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to correct this. Cost will range from 4500-9000 depending on the length of surgery necessary. Correction can involve liposuction, direct excision of dense breast tissue, or excision of redundant skin. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Many men may request ‘smaller nipples’ and may be referring to one of several things. Some actually may complain of fullness or male breast enlargement (gynecomastia). Some complain of an enlarged diameter of their areola.Some may actually complain of a prominent or large protruding nipple. All three of these conditions can be treated with different surgical techniques.
I would recommend you see a board-certified plastic surgeon who is an ASAPS member to determine what procedure may be best for you. (Sanjay Grover, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Puffy nipples, male breast reduction
Puffy nipples are almost always a consequence of stimulated breast tissue under the nipple and areola area. Very often, removing breast tissue under the nipple area will take care of the problem, without removing any skin. (Jeffrey Ditesheim, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
What Are The Common Causes Of Gynecomastia
Reducing nipples and areolas in men.
Decreasing the diameter of the areola (pigmented area around the nipple) is a straight forward procedure that is routinely done with female breast reduction and lift. It is also sometimes done for male gynecomastia surgery and can flatten out a “puffy” areola.
The scar is usually very acceptable. The projection of the nipple can also be reduced if that is a concern. Part of the nipple is wedged out and then the remaining part is folder over and stitched down.
It looks very natural and the resultant scars are hard to find. These procedures can be done under a local anesthetic with some sedation. I have my patients wear a compression vest for 1 – 2 weeks to prevent swelling.
Most patients could go back to work in 3 or 4 days. The surgery doesn’t hurt nearly as much as one might think it would. Lisa Lynn Sowder, M. D. (Lisa Lynn Sowder, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Neat little tricks for nipple reductionIt happens. There are some men with too long a nipple and look for a reduction. Several techniques exist–all done under local anesthesia–to reduce them, while preserving sensitivity. One technique basically “lops off the top”, other techniques “telescope” the nipple inward, yet others use a “hat” technique to fold the top over.
Recovery is typically a weekend. (Navin K. Singh, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)
Many individuals benefit tremendously from gynecomastia correction. I am not sure that you have gynecomastia. Do your nipples protrude , are you simply concerned with the diameter or are both an issue? The treatment will vary based on the specifics of your case. (Jay M. Pensler, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Yes nipple reduction surgery is common in males. It is a minor operation done usually in an office operating room. Recovery less than 5 days fee $2,000. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)