Breast Reduction At 16 – Plastic Surgeons Opinions
Breast reduction surgery in a 16 year old is not uncommon. If you are of adult size and menstrutating regularly, and no longer growing, then having a breast reduction is OK.
If you are stil growing, then I would probably wait a bit longer. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
You can have a breast reduction now (which I probably recommend).
But then it is likely that you will need another one when you are in your twenties if your breasts are still growing.
Or you can wait until your breasts have stopped growing for sure, and then you will need only one operation. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction in a teenager

Can I Have A Breast Reduction At 16
She could not excercise etc. So in summary, you should discuss your concerns with your surgeon who can evaluate you and make an appropriate recommendation. Remember, the most important part of getting a good result from plastic surgery, is the surgeon that you choose. (Darrick E. Antell, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Large breasts make it difficult to exercise and lose weight and in such cases especially with back and neck pain, it is warranted to have the reduction as long as you feel your breasts have stopped growing. (Farbod Esmailian, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction will reduce the bulk and weight of the breast, however there are certain trade-offs. First there will be a scar on the front of the breast, around the nipple and down to the fold.
The scar quality may be good though a scar is a scar and you may find that you are uncomfortable with friends, or in intimate situations. Also, there will be a limitation on your ability to breast feed, something which is difficult to sort out at age 16.
Then again, your breast will continue to grow and develop into your early twenties. Finally you need to consider how well you know yourself, what size is right for you. All in all, breast reduction may be just right for you, even at 16, however there is a lot to understand and I encourage you to take your time, think a lot, so that you are ready and prepared if the time comes. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

The Truth About Breast Reduction
Very large breasts can be found in teens. This condition actually has a couple of names: “Juvenile breast hypertrophy” and “breast gigantism.” If you are stable in your growth, and you have very large breasts, then you should consider a breast reduction procedure.
You need to seek out a good plastic surgeon. This should be coverable by your insurance. (Sirish Maddali, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction For teen age women
Despite your age You may soon become a “breast cripple” if something isn’t done to readjust your body balence. (Barry H. Dolich, MD (Retired), Bronx Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction for 16-year-old
This is younger than the recommended age but if you are developing serious social issues related to your large breasts it certainly is possible. The principal risk of doing surgery at this age is that your breasts may have another growth phase.
This would require a touch up or a redo of your original surgery. If you’re willing to take that chance, and the likelihood that you would not be able to breast feed in the future, go ahead with your planning. (Donald W. Kress, MD, FACS, Frederick Plastic Surgeon)
This will depend primarily on your growth curve and if your body weight and height have stabilized which it should at this point in time. Your next step is to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
At 16 years old you may be a bit young, but if you are of adult height and weight and are no longer growing and have regular menses, you may very well be a candidate. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Heavy breasts can be more trying both from the physical and emotional stand point for teens. Unlike flat chested girls, who can opt for shapely bras, you have to be more creative with what you wear and also your physical activities.
Consult with your parents, primary care and interview PS who keep an active interest and practice in breast reduction. If you developed early and excessively, you may experience a “regrowth” of your breasts with weight gain, pregnancy/lactation and menopause.
Your breasts are configured to respond to fluctuations in hormones and these states involve significant changes. In preparation for a PS consultation, try to optimize your health by ensuring that your height and weight are in line with the BMI (Body Mass Index) charts, which insurance companies will use.
Ask to see photos of the best and worst results and realize that your case will be somewhere in that spectrum. Be realistic and accept that the changes of breast reduction are not permanent but that your back, shoulders and self-image may be positively changed. (Lavinia K. Chong, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reductions do work very well at your age. However, in my experience, you’re slightly more likely to regrow breast tissue as you age further or undergo pregnancy. There is also a slightly increased risk of scar formation.
The positive with going ahead with surgery is that it allows you to make the change sooner rather than later and ease any discomfort you might be feeling physically—and perhaps mentally—from having large breasts.
It is best to consult with a reputable plastic surgeon that you trust. He or she can help you determine the best way to proceed based on your goals and body type. (Deason Dunagan, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)
You will be so happy after you have a breast reduction. But it is smart to wait until your breasts have stopped growing. Otherwise you may have to do it again. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Don’t Wait for A Breast Reduction to Reduce Pain
Breast reductions are fantastic operations! If your goals are… to decrease pain in your neck, upper back, and shoulders to minimize sweating and rashes in the folds beneath your breasts to feel more confident around your peers then, breast reductions are a great option–regardless of your age.
The big issue with breast surgery at 16 years old is that your breasts will continue to change. (Of course, breasts are going to change from any age. Ask any 45-year-old woman who has had kids! She probably wished that her breasts had not changed!) Nevertheless, 16-year-old women will probably experience more change than 25 year olds.
I have performed breast reductions on 16 year olds, and they have been thrilled. But, in a few cases, the breasts continued to grow, and I had to perform a second breast reduction on those patients (even though the patients and their mothers thought that the breasts had been fully developed before the first surgery).
Also, you must realize that your smaller breasts will have scars and that you will be having a major surgery. I am not trying to dissuade you, but just want you to be fully informed. (Michael C. Pickart, MD, Ventura Plastic Surgeon)
Can a teenage have breast reduction
The quick anwer is “no, 16 may not be to young to have breast reduction surgery.” The timing of breast reduction surgery is really individual. In general, it is nice to have the option to wait until a woman has had her children and has finished breastfeeding.
Having had a breast reduction may affect your ability to make enough milk to nurse without supplementing. Also, breasts change with pregnancy and nursing. Some women get much smaller than they were before having children, some women get bigger and stay bigger even after weaning, most women have change in breast shape.
At 16, you might not be finished having children for over 16 more years, and that might be too long to wait. Large breasts can be really uncomfortable, both by attracting unwanted attention and physically because they weigh down your shoulders and your back.
I usually want to see that your breasts are not actively growing and that your bra size has been the same for a year. So if you and your parents understand that having breast reduction may make you unable to nurse successfully and that future pregnancies will change the size and shape of your breasts again, 16 may be the right time to have this surgery. (Elizabeth Slass Lee, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)
If your breasts are that large, you would already be a candidate for a breast reduction as long as you have stopped growing, you are mature psychologically and have a parent attend all visits with a plastic surgeon who will explain all of the issues about doing a breast reduction such as permanent scars, possible numbness and possible inability to breast feed.
Waiting before breast reduction not necessary for teens with symptoms
f you have symptoms which impede your activities and social life, you should consider having a breast reduction. HOWEVER, you must have a responsible parent attend all your plastic surgery visits who will be responsible for the decision to have surgery as well as your after care.
If you are emotionally mature and are willing to exchange these very large breasts for smaller breasts with surgical scarring as well as the potential impossibility or difficulty in breast feeding your children in the future, then you should have the operation. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)