Breast Reduction Does NOT Increase Breast Cancer Risk
Breast surgery (including Augmentation, Lift or Reduction) does NOT increase cancer or cyst formation risks in the least. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction surgery does not increase the risk of breast cancer or breast cysts.
It may actually decrease it, although there are no studies to confirm this. (Frank Agullo, MD, El Paso Plastic Surgeon)
No increased risk of cancer after breast surgery
There is NO evidence that breast lift or reduction increases the risk of breast cancer. In fact, there is one study that suggests the risk may go down after breast reduction (less breast tissue means less tissue that can become cancerous).
It is still very important to perform self breast exams every month and obtain mammograms on a regular basis (after age 40) following surgery to monitor for any changes. (Lawrence Iteld, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

After Breast Reduction Surgery, A Substantial Amount Of Breast Tissue Remains
No cancer risks from breast reduction or lift
Breast reduction and breast lift are not associated with an increased breast cancer risk. It is possible that a breast reduction could reduce cancer risk as the volume of breast tissue is significantly reduced, though there is no data which supplies proof.
Both procedures will alter the baseline mammogram and a current mammogram is an important step before surgery if indicated by prior breast history, risk factors, or age. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Reduction and Cancer
There is no know increase in breast cancer risk following breast reduction. In fact, some literature actually supports the concept that breast cancer risk might be very slightly reduced after breast reduction – this is simply because there is less breast tissue after surgery that could possibly develop cancer.

Cysts And Breast Reduction
Breast reduction/lift and breast cancer
No data suggests that a breast reduction and or lift increases the risk of cancer. If anything, it should be slightly lower because some of the breast tissue that could make a malignancy is removed permanently. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Surgery Does Not Increase Chance of Breast Cancer
There is no data that I am aware of which supports any causal relation of any plastic surgery of the breast to breast cancer. This includes augmentations, reductions, and breast lifts. In fact one could assume that a breast reduction would possibly make it easier to find a breast mass with self-exam should one develop for some reason. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)Breast cancer and breast reduction
No, there is no increased risk of getting breast cancer after a breast reduction or a lift. In fact, it probaly is less considering in a breast reduction you are removing some breast tissue. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction/lift does not increase risk for cancer
Breast reduction or breast lift surgery does not increase your risk for breast cancer. After your surgery, you should continue performing breast self-exams (BSE) and continue with your annual mammograms as per your ob/gyn or PCP. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)