Breast Reduction In A Diabetic – Plastic Surgeons Opinions

Diabetes does increase the risk of infection with all surgical procedures, however with good control and planning, even insulin dependent diabetes will not prevent you from havng a breast reduction. Medical clearance and team approach with your primary doctor will see you through. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction would probably help your back pain and rashes and your diabetes, although it will increase the risk of infection or delayed wound healing slightly, should not be a reason for you not to have the surgery.

The doctor managing your diabetes and your plastic surgeon will need to work together to make sure you are in the best possible shape for the surgery. (Margaret Skiles, MD (retired), Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

Diabetes And Breast Surgery

Diabetes is okay for breast reduction

If your diabetes is well controlled you should be able to do a breast reduction safely. Review your medical status with your primary care physician and then your surgeon will be able to council you in regards to risks and complications.

You are at a higher surgical risk but with the right care the problems can be taken care of. (Marcus L. Peterson, MD, Saint George Plastic Surgeon)

Breats reduction in insulin dependent diabetic

If you are otherwise eligible for breast reduction and it has been approved by your insurance company, then the issue of the diabetes should be resolved by your endocrinologist. Diabetics are at higher risk of complications from surgery and only your treating doctor will be able to clarify for the plastic surgeon whether your condition is stable and well managed.

The area of greatest immediate concern would be wound healing, assuming that you do not have cardiovascular or kidney issues related to the diabetes. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Diabetes and breast reduction

Diabetic patients are at increased risk for wound healing complications after surgery, but if your sugar is well controlled and your surgeon has a lot of experience with breast reduction there is no reason at all why you cannot safely have a successful outcome.

I have performed reductions on many diabetic patients without significant complications. One benchmark of the control of your sugars is a test called Hemaglobin A1C. This value indicates sugar control over time and, if low, is a good marker for patients whose risks are minimized by proper sugar control. (Daniel Greenwald, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Diabetics, especially those requiring insulin for adequate control, do have greater risks of surgery in general. Wound healing is the area of greatest concern. Having said this, it is probably safe to undergo a reduction if you are well-controlled and otherwise in good health.

As always, you must weigh the benefits/risks of surgery. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)