Breast Reduction Scars Are Permanent, But Can Be Minimized
There are many short-scar, “lollipop”-type procedures that can make scars shorter after breast lift/reduction. There are also creams, dressings, and lasers that can be used to help scars look more attractive over time.
But you will have permanent scars, period. Meet with several surgeons and look at their before/after photos to get a good idea of the typical scarring after such surgery. Nobody can promise you a great scar – a lot depends on your own body’s healing ability and scarring tendencies.
But a good surgeon will work with you to make your scars the best they can be over time. Scars take a year or more to fully mature, so you should have follow-up visits with your surgeon for at least that long. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction Scar Tissue Depends On Many Factors
Women accept breast reduction scars if they love their new breasts.
Most breast reductions and lifts can be done with a vertical (lollipop scar) technique. This is a minimal scar approach. The scars fade a lot but do not disappear.
I can tell you that I hear a lot of worry about the scars before surgery. After surgery, I very rarely hear about the scars, and it’s not because they are gone. What happens is that the patient realizes that she has made a very good trade off. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Reduction and Breast Lift scars are identical. In the vast majority of women they can be done as Short Scar Techniques with only a Lollipop or balloon shape scar instead of the vertical T / anchor shaped scars.
See a Plastic Surgeon familiar with the Short Scar Technique and find out if you are a candidate for it. The vast majority of our Breast Reduction / Breast Lift patients are extremely happy with their results despite the scars which become quite acceptable. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
Scarring after Reduction or Mastopexy
Scarring is always present to a degree after a reduction or a mastopexy and it varies a good bit among patients. Women considering these procedures must always weigh the benefits/risks (including scarring) when deciding if they wish to have the procedure perfomed. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)Scarring varies
Look at photos on various web sites, the scarring varies, usually it is there, but not an issue. Most of my patients are so happy that they now have smaller breasts and most of the shoulder strap gouging and back and neck pains are better, that they forget about the scars.
The scars around the nipples usually fade as do the others. It is great surgery. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)