Breast Reduction Size D To B – Reviews Of Plastic Surgeons

Plastic Surgeons Define Cup Sizes Differently Than Breast Reduction Patients

It’s not unusual for breast reduction patients to start out with D cups and end up with B cups.

This is a common scenario in most plastic surgery practices. I suspect that the surgeons are reluctant to guarantee a cup size following breast reduction surgery for a variety of reasons.

It’s not unusual for cup size to be defined differently by different people.

Patients frequently know their bra size and confuse this with their actual breast size. This can cause confusion because different bra manufacturers label their bra sizes differently.

This can make cup size discussions between surgeons and patients difficult. The surgeon must also deal with patient safety issues. Attempts to over reduce the breast can potentially damage the blood supply to the nipple areola complex and lead to an increased complication rate.

A Truly Feminine Bra

In addition, insurance carriers may have weight removal requirements as well, which may ultimately affect cup size. For all these reasons, most surgeons are reluctant to make guarantees regarding cup size, and prefer discussing broader aesthetic goals.

These include shapely breasts with good contour that have proportion, balance and harmony with the surrounding structures. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Why not reduce a D to a B cup??

For two reasons:

  1. Most women who have frames that naturally carry a D cup will look bottom heavy or pear shaped after a B cup reduction. We are trained to bring about balance, equilibrium and harmony and in most cases such a reduction runs against the grain.
  2. In many cases over – aggressive removal can negativily effect vascularity and survival of the nipple/areola complex and skin as well as sensation. (Barry H. Dolich, MD (Retired), Bronx Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction From D To B

This can be accomplished, although there are no precise bra measurements to determine cup sizes. Most surgeons will give you a range of excision – low, moderate, and large excision.

I like to excise enough to have the breasts look aesthetically pleasing. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

D to B cup reduction

I recommend this size reduction all the time. If your plastic surgeon isn’t on the same page with you in terms of post operative breast size, see another surgeon for a second opinion. Insurance coverage is an entirely different matter.

There is a minimum amount of gram weit which has to be removed and established via a pathology report. If the D to B will not produce the mandated amount, then the insurance company will refuse to pay for the procedure.

So, if this is the basis for your surgeon’s reluctance to perform the procedure to your specifications, you do have the option of paying for the surgeon and avoiding the insurance guidelines, if you find them inappropriate for your circumstances. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction Surgery D To B

Cup size after reduction

Most doctors will not “guarantee” a cup size after surgery because the bra companies designation for the specific cup size is so variable. Remember that in order for things to heal well, there needs to be a reasonable amount of tissue attached to the skin flaps as wells the to the nipple areola complex.

In enormous breasts( not necessarily yours) it is quite difficult to reduce them to a “B” cup without basically performing an amputation. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction will easily get you from D cup to B cup.

In Manhattan, going from a D cup to a B cup with breast reduction is one of the more common patterns we see. Easy and safe.

We do the internal (Lejour ) technique, which produces good long term shape and leaves only a lollipop scar. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction surgery techniques vary – it can be done with a vertical incision, anchor type pattern or with liposuction – depending on the size and shape of your breasts. The change of size can vary and precise cup prediction can be difficult. (Trevor M. Born, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Reducing The Size Of My Breasts

Cup sizing and breast reduction

You can’t guarantee a cup size after any breast surgery. So, don’t get hung up on that. The problem with trying to go too small with a reduction is with blood flow to the nipple and the overall cosmetic result.

If to much is taken away, your nipple might die and if you are too small for your frame, you won’t look good. Plus, the base width of the breast isn’t changed by a reduction and this alone might prevent you from ever being a B. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Factors to Determine Your Breast Reduction Results

You don’t mention your height, weight and body frame. All of these factors are taken into account when evaluating the final size for a breast reduction patient. If a large framed woman has B size breasts, then it is very likely that her abdomen and hips will look disproportionately too large.

My Breasts Have Always Been Disproportionately Huge

An experienced breast reduction surgeon will take all these factors into account in planning your surgery. (Carlin Vickery, MD (retired), New York Plastic Surgeon)

Consider body type and patient wishes for Breast Reduction

In consultation with the plastic surgeon, let them know your wishes and cooridinate body type consideration accordingly.

Sometimes with a larger chest and trunk, reduction to very small breasts invites other problems with disproportion and inability to find bras/tops that fit well.

With any intervention, a balance is possible in terms of outcome and expectations. After discussion in this direction with your surgeon you should feel confident that the appropriate intervention will be undertaken. (Michael A. Marschall, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)