Breast Reduction Surgery And Smoking – Plastic Surgeons Opinions

Cigarette smoke contains substances that reduce the circulation of blood in the skin.

This can have very harmful effects on healing, especially for those procedures that involve the kinds of sculpting and tissue movement that plastic surgeons often do: facelifts, breast lifts and abdominoplasties.

In breast reduction, for example, the risk of death of the nipple-areolar complex is much higher in smokers. I ask my patients who smoke (thankfully there are fewer and fewer) to stop smoking for at least 3 months before surgery.

They must must not consume nicotine (colleagues: spelling alert!) from any source during that time, including patches and gum.

Patients who stop smoking well before surgery reduce their risk of tissue death, but I caution them that their risk will always be elevated compared to the person who has never smoked. (Eric Pugash, MD, Vancouver Plastic Surgeon)


Smoking is detrimental to healing after all surgery

Of course smoking will reduce tissue oxygenation and impead healing after all typs of surgery. In general though the risks after breast reduction seem to be lower than compared to so other procedures. All in all, best to quit.(Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

In our practice we ask that you stop smoking at least thirty days prior to surgery. Smoking impedes oxygen flow throughout your body that could potentially slow down your healing process and cause secondary infections. (Stuart B. Kincaid, MD, FACS (in memoriam), Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Smoking affects wound healing

Tissue Death

Nicotene inhibits circulation and increases the risks of wound necrosis and poor healing. It is important to stop smoking preoperatively and to stay off cigarettes during the postop period.

Frequently, patients report that the combination of anesthesia and pain medication has inhibited their desire to smoke, which is a very good thing. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Smoking, in general, affects wound healing in a negative way. Nicotene may affect the microcirculation to soft tissues and can even lead to tissue loss in some cases.

It is usually preferable to try to quit smoking to reduce risk factors prior to proceeding with plastic surgery procedures.

After all, many plastic surgery procedures are elective and quiting smoking at least 6 weeks before the surgery may have some benefit on wound healing. (Stephen Delia, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)