Can You Get A Breast Reduction At 14?
Your age is not a problem if you really are having significant problems due to your breast size. A C-cup is generally not considered to be large enough to have surgery. See your GP for advise on nonsurgical options.
Also, while breast reduction surgeries can be repeated, your breast may still continue to grow for a few more years, so waiting may be better. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Reduction in Adolescence
Because young women’s breasts may grow through their early 20’s, most surgeons would recommend waiting until greater certainty can be achieved that your breasts are done growing… Because this is not an operation you want to have to repeat.

Breast Hypertrophy May Develop At Any Time
Teenage Breast Reduction
You are a bit young for breast reduction surgery. It would be best to wait until your breast growth has stabilized for a few years. It’s difficult to predict at your age whether breast growth is complete or not.
As for the cost of breast reduction, it varies quite a bit depending upon your insurance coverage. In the US most insurance companies do cover breast reduction, so your individual co-pays and out of pocket expenses would depend upon the specifics of your plan. (Mark Preston, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
The cost for a breast reduction varies, but usually runs between $7500-15,000. In some cases, a breast reduction is reimbursable by your insurance company when the surgery is performed as part of a medically mandated procedure to treat neck, back, or shoulder pain or other problems related to the spine.
During puberty, the mammary glands in the breasts respond to hormonal changes by enlarging. While breasts may continue to grow into a woman’s early twenties, most women are fully developed by age 16. If a teenager is a DD cup, she’s certainly not going to get any smaller.
If you are 14 and have very large breasts, breast reduction may be an appropriate procedure. Therefore, if the size of your breasts are debilitating or painful, I would suggest going ahead with a reduction.
You may need a second reductive procedure down the line, but why put off something that could make such a positive difference in your life now? You may be a candidate for breast liposuction.

Bust Reduction Not Only Improves The Size, But Also The Shape, Of Overly Large Breasts
The procedure takes about an hour, the recovery takes just a couple of days, and there’s virtually no scarring. For young patients with large breasts, a liposuction reduction may prevent breast sag from ever occurring! It’s important to be sure expectations are realistic and that you have an understanding of the commitment needed for the healing process.
Make sure that you understand the nature of the surgery, the recovery process, and that you feel comfortable and emotionally ready to make these changes to your body. (Michelle Copeland, MD, DMD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

How Young Is Too Young For Breast Reduction
At the age of 14, your breasts are still developing and you may experience further growth. I would recommend waiting until your late teens to consider a breast reduction as you wouldn’t want to undergo this procedure twice if at all avoidable.
I recommend that you and your parents consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to discuss options and future planning for your proposed procedure. (Glenn Vallecillos, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
At 14 you are a bit young to have a breast reduction . You would first need your parent’s consent, but even still you are probably still growing and I would wait until you have stopped. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction should be done after breasts have stopped growing

Patients With Very Large Breasts May Have Difficulty With Physical Activities
Breast reduction at age 14, probably not ready
Breast development is still a work in progress at age 14, and breast development can continue into the 20’s. Not all have to wait until 20 for reduction, though it is best to wait until the late teens to get a sense of stable breast size, and the emotional maturity to make such an important decision.Breast reduction is best a ‘done once’ procedure so unless there are unusual circumstances it is best to wait. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
In USA you would be considered too young. Also parental consent for a major operation is neded. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)Breast Reduction In Teens Needs To Be Considered with Joint Input From Parents and A Plastic Surgeon
While breast reduction can technically be performed at any age, a growing and still developing teenager introduces the significant issue of emotional and psychological maturity into the decision process. Obviously the size of your breasts are bothersome to you and that concern should be addressed and evaluated.
This can be done by having you and parents visit a plastic surgeon to discuss the possibiity of breast reduction. Your breasts are going to undergo a lot of changes in your long remaining life and you don’t want to make a decision now that you may regret later. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)