Differences Between Male And Female Breast Reductions

Although breast reduction in men and women do share some concepts they are fundamentally different.

In a woman’s breast, there is typically much more tissue and excess skin that needs to be addressed during breast reduction.

The end goals between a reduction in men and women are also very different men typically want to have a very minimal press found whereas women prefer a smaller but fuller and more youthful looking breast.

The techniques between the surgeries also vary. Ultrasound liposuction is the most common technique used for male breast reduction. In females, direct surgical excision is the most common technique used to create the ultimate breast shape.

The goals for male breast reduction typically include a flatter, more muscular appearance to the chest, whereas with female breast reduction we typically want more projection and perkiness. Most male breast reductions involve some sort of liposuction, and in many cases, that is all that is necessary.

A Hormone Imbalance

Sometimes we also need to perform an open “subcutaneous mastectomy” with incisions around the nipples. This helps to remove some of the remaining breast tissue which cannot be suctioned. On the other hand, when a man has hanging breasts, this may not be enough.

In those cases, I typically perform a visor style breast reduction which leaves scars under the curve of the chest (accenting the Pectoralis muscle), and leave a scar around the nipple as well. In my opinion, this looks more natural than the old fashioned mastectomy scar that has been recommended by many. (Thomas P. Sterry, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

There are significant differences. In most instances of male breast reduction, an attempt at complete removal of the breast tissue is the goal. We essentially “scoop” out all the breast tissue leaving the skin and nipple intact.

Only in rare cases is skin removed. In female breast reduction, we work hard to preserve a “stalk” (pedicle) of blood and nerve supply to the nipple (this is not always possible). Furthermore, in most patients, skin is removed. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction Surgery Is An Option For Men

Breast reduction procedures are quite different in males and females. In females the procedure almost always involves excision of both tissue and skin. In males there is usually excision of a small button of glandular tissue located beneath the aroela in conjunction with liposuction of surrounding fat.

Only in the most extreme cases is any skin excision required in male breast reduction. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

Male breast reductions and female breast reductions are entirely different procedures with different goals for the final outcome and different techiques utilized for the procedures.

Female breast reductions most commonly utilize incisions around the areola, a vertical incision from the areola to the fold below the breast, and, sometimes, an incision in the fold at the bottom of the breast.

Breast Reduction Surgery Is Usually Carried Out Under General Anaesthetic

The goal is to leave the patient with better-shaped, lifted breasts that are smaller in size. A patient in no way is flat-chested after the procedure – that would be deforming.

If a patient has preoperative symptoms of back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, heat rashes, or grooving from her bra straps, female breast reduction invariably improves that.

Male breast reductions most commonly utilize fewer incisions and often times can be performed with liposuction alone, or liposuction with a small incision around the areola. Here, the goal is to leave the patient with a flatter, more masculine chest. (Sam Jejurikar, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Different Goals and Different Techniques for Women and Men

For the woman, breast reduction surgery is designed to relieve discomfort (frequently) and restore a youthful appearance. That youthful appearance includes the re-shaping of smaller breasts. For the man with gynecomastia, the operation is designed to virtually eliminate the appearance of breasts entirely.

Increased Levels Of Oestrogen

Men do not tolerate incisions to re-shape the skin envelope so the usual technique is a combination of liposuction and a smaller “open” operation to remove firmer components under the nipple.

This can at times leave some “looseness” in the skin that some patients (particularly older patients) dislike, but the reduction in volume and improved masculine appearance is the “crowd pleaser” here. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)

Male vs. female breast reduction – the difference!

Significant difference. For female breast reduction, one has to correct both skin excess and volume (breast tissue and fat) excess resulting in much more extensive surgery, incisions and resulting scars.

In male breast reduction for gynecomastia, most of the time, the skin ist still relatively tight and the main treatment modality would be liposuction (on ocassion, combined with actual removal of breast tissue).

Main Differences Between Male And Female Breast Reduction

Laser Liposuction or Ultrasoninc-assisted liposuction like the VASER technique works best for male gynecomastia surgery.

Different indications and techniques

Very different techniques,indications and outcome. The female breast reduction involves skin excision,tissue removal and the technique centered around preserving a pedicle for the nipple survival. The male breast reduction could be done by an liposuction,or open excision. and usually involves less scars.

Breast Reduction Male versus Female

Breast reductions in males are very different than in females. First and probably foremost is that females are looking for reduction of size as well as a youthful, rejunvenation of the breast, elevation of the nipple in combination with adequate shape and projection.

Men do not want projection of the nipple or breast. They want smaller breast, period; they want a flat chest that highlights their muscular anatomy. As such, different techniques are used to achieve the above different goals.


Different techniques mean different scars and results…all of which are utilized to conceal scars and accentuate/enhance results.

Breast reduction VERY DIFFERENT for men and women.

1) For men, breast reduction is really not the right term. It should be called breast elimination, or correction of gynecomastia. The goal is a flat chest, and it is almost scarless. 2) For women, we create smaller perky breasts, and there is a lollipop scar. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction for men is DIFFERENT than for women

Gynecomastia (Man Boobs, moobies etc) has a different range of appearances, from an exaggerated man’s chest, to small pubertal girl’s breast to hanging, droopy female breasts. With such different appearances different operations are needed to correct the deformities and flatten the chest.

With minor gynecomastia, liposuction, usually with the VASER / Lipo selection, flattens the breasts nicely. In larger cases, the VASER is used to flatten the breast and then, through a small incision along the rim of the areola (becomes almost invisible), underlying breast gland is removed to flatten the breasts.

Finally, in the most extreme of cases, depending on how much fat/breast gland is present, the man may need to undergo either bilateral mastectomies with nipple grafting in the appropriate positions on the new flat chest OR bilateral breast lift procedures.

A breast reduction in women is done to reduce wait and recreate an attractive coned breast higher on the chest. It is NOT done to flatten the breast. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction in women is a formal procedure meant to leave a desirable breast mound with a viable nipple and areola. Gynecomastic excision or suction is meant to remove nearly all of the breast tissue in the male.

Often no skin needs to be removed which is never the case with a female reduction. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)