Gynecomastia Surgery With Areola Reduction

Gynecomastia can most definitely be performed at the same time with areola reduction. Performing both procedures simultaneously will not add to the recovery time of either procedure. (Ivan Thomas, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

It is possible to perform these procedures simultaneously. My usual recommendation would be to do the gynecomastectomy alone initially.

The areolar reduction can always be performed later, but might add an unnecessary scar if there is significant reduction of the areola following gynecomastectomy alone. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

The best technique for the correction of your gynecomastia ultimately depends on the quality and location of the excess tissue on your chest.

If the extra tissue is central on your chest or just underneath the nipple, this may be corrected with a simple incision around your areola.

Gynecomastia Surgery And Areola Reduction

You can combine this surgery with an areola reduction at the same time. Keep in mind that an areola reduction will create a scar completely around the areola and a scar will be more noticeable than the smaller scars we typically use just for the reduction of gynecomastia. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

1) If your areolas are just a little wide, simply getting rid of the gynecomastia will make them shrink. This is enough for most patients.
2) If they are really wide, then they are reduced as part of the male breast reduction, with a circular scar at the edge of the nipples. (George J. Beraka, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

It is very common for the areolae to unintentionally shrink when performing male breast reduction. However, a surgeon must exercise caution in reducing the areola circumferentially because this may compromise the blood supply to the nipple and areolae.

Areola reduction can be done with Male Breast Reduction

We are seeing more and more patients in our office interested in male breast reduction. There are several things that may be done including liposuction of tissue, direct excision of breast tissue, a small breast lift if needed, and yes, areolar reduction.

Be sure to see a plastic surgeon that is familiar with all of these techniques and performs them regularly. (Shain A. Cuber, MD, Edison Plastic Surgeon)

Male breast reduction can be performed in many different ways. Some can be handled just with liposuction. Others may need some breast tissue removed from an small incision under the areola, still others may require resection of gland and skin with reducting the size of the areola. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Enlarged male breasts may by just a small amount of breast tissue, breast tissue and fat, breast tissue, fat and skin with or without drooping.

The reduction may be very simple or very complex. Most techniques will allow you to have an areolar reduction at the same time. (John P. Stratis, MD, Harrisburg Plastic Surgeon)