How To Determine Bra Size After Breast Reduction?

What do breasts look like after breast reduction surgery

Over the years, plastic surgeons have worked out some rough guidelines on what an ideal breast should be shaped like. Having the nipple at or slightly above the level of the infra-mammary fold (the IMF) is ideal, as is having the nipple on the most projecting part of the breast mound.

Other issues such as symmetry and size of the breasts are equally important. Breast reduction surgery aims to give you a breast which is not only smaller in size but also, hopefully, ideal is shape. This usually involves scars around the nipple (which are very hard to see) and a vertical scar below the nipple on the front of the breast (which fades remarkably well).

Finally, your surgeon may or may not add a scar in the fold underneath the breast.

Bra Sizing Information

The best way to get an idea about how it will all look is to check out the before and after galleries of some plastic surgeons. (Damian Marucci, MBBS, PhD, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)

Size after breast reduction

It is difficult to say what you will look like after a reduction because everyone’s size and shape are different. Look at various pictures of your doctor’s work to see what kind of results he gets and see if you like the results.

He can tailor the size, within reason to fit your body habitus and shape. (Steven Schuster, MD, FACS, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction appearance results

Results after a Breast Reduction are multifactorial. The surgeons experience definitely plays a role. Also what the breast look like before -size , skin quality, and breast tissue structure. The patients overall physical shape can contribute to the outcome too.

Does Your Band Size Decrease After Breast Reduction

For the most part your reduced breast will have a much better appearance than the initial breast as the procedure allows the surgeon to tighten up skin, lift the breast, reduce the areolar and make the breast more similar in size and shape.

Ask your surgeon if they have a similar patient that you can view pre and post operative photos to see potential results. (David Liland, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Post op size has many variables

A breast reduction has many post op variables. Firstly remember that it can be difficult to guess sizes as bras change by the manufacurers,There will be changes due to hormones, menses, weight changes and time.

We use 3 d imaging with a vectra so our patients can see what size they will be,where on your ribs the breast will be and scarring. That is invaluable and more accurate than guessing what type of bra.

Post Surgery Bras

Also, the results depend upon the patient. (Cap Lesesne, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

It is difficult to predict final size. The key is that there needs to be tissue left so as to keep the nipple areola complex alive.

Over resection can place the NAC at risk. Breast reduction patients can be some of the happiest in the practice. (Jeffrey J. Roth, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Appearance after breast reduction

With a satisfaction rate above 90%, breast reduction procedures leave the women not only looking better, but feeling better also. Do not hesitate this is a wonderful procedure for the right candidate. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Reduction Results

Breast reduction patients are some of my HAPPIEST patients…not only do you look great, but you will feel great too! In my opinion, and I see this everyday (which is why I went into this field), patients feel not only a physical but an emotional and spiritual change after surgery.

A Breast Reduction Can Do Wonders For Back Pain As Well As Self-esteem

They feel great about themselves; so much so that they enjoy going to the gym and working out (which further helps their self-esteem, general health and confidence), feel better in social situations and at work.

Plastic surgery is a great life-motivator! I am sure, in the hands of a great Board Certified Plastic surgeon, you too will feel the same! Take time to review your surgeons photos, check out the internet, research scar types and placement.

I perform a vertical mastopexy/reduction with only a areolar and up and down scar. There are many options and this will depend on your surgeons preference. Your pre-op size, shape, symmetry or lack there of, skin type and quality and breast tissue type and quality will determine your outcome as well. (John Philip Connors III, MD, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Bras After Breast Reduction

Cup size after breast reduction

Cup size is an inaccurate form of measuring breast size/volume. It is dependent on the manufacturer and the designer as well as the person wearing it. Two patients with the exact same breast size may wear different bra cup sizes.

Therefore, it is very difficult to accurately predict postop bra size for breast reduction or any other breast surgery. The great part about a breast reduction is that you will become more proportionate in your appearance.

You will have a breast lift as well. So your breasts will have a more youthful look. The breast reduction patient population is the happiest of any other plastic surgery procedure. Not only do you get relief from your back and neck discomfort, you also get a better shape.

Considering A Breast Reduction

It is the best combination of reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery. So take a look at some before and after photos to educate yourself on how different patients look and also discuss your concerns and questions with your board certified plastic surgeon. (Bahram Ghaderi, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

You can’t predict the cup size after reduction

No surgeon can predict the cup size you will be after surgery so don’t get fixated on that. What you want is a safely done surgery with an excellent shape and size for your body.

The cup size just follows after that. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction Post op Cup size & Look

Post operative cup size after breast reduction will depends on a variety of factors that include the amount of breast tissue removed, patient’s body frame & proportions as well as the brand of bra you’re going to get! In short, you’ll look and feel great after quite a sizeable reduction lift procedure and it’s all about restoring all your functional problems as well as optimising the aesthetic outlook of your new breast & body proportion! (Ellis Choy, FRACS(Plast), Sydney Plastic Surgeon)

How Will My Bra Size Change After Bust Reduction Surgery

Remember that surgery is an in-exact art and science. No two patients are exactly alike and results vary (Bram Kaufman, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

Patient Height & Weight Will Help Determine What Sized Breast Creates Best Result

Breast reduction has significant benefits for patients with symptomatic breast hypertrophy. Most patients who request breast reduction want relief from their symptoms and improved breast aesthetics. The procedure reduces the size of the breast while lifting the breast into normal position.

It also reduces the size of the areola. The determination of breast size is based on several considerations. In many cases, insurance carriers require that a certain amount of breast tissue be removed.

Once this obligation is met, we feel that harmony, balance, and proportion with the surrounding structures are essential to obtaining a good aesthetic result.

Without knowing the weight and height of a patient, it’s difficult to determine what sized breast will ultimately create the harmony, balance, and proportion that will give an excellent aesthetic result.

In a patient who has an ideal body weight, a C cup might be perfect; in someone who is over weight, it may be far too small. It’s important to remember that a good fit is better than an absolute cup size. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)