Is A Breast Reduction Painful?

The pain after breast reduction surgery is easily managed with pain pills for a few days.

Most women report the pain was not as bad as they initially feared. Apparently, the relief from the constant discomfort of being weighed down by large breast makes the surgical pain a lot easier.

Most women return back to work in a few days. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction surgery normally is not regarded as a markedly painful procedure. Everyone’s perception of pain is different. Normally, the pain associated with a breast reduction is controlled with common pain relieving medications. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Pain after breast reduction surgery very manageable

Breast Reduction Pain How Long Does It Last

I find that breast reduction patients are some of the happiest! While surgical soreness will be present for several days, up to a few weeks, most patients are so much more comfortable right after the surgery (even in the recovery room!) due to the reduced breast weight that it makes the surgical soreness quite manageable.

I’m sure your surgeon will give you appropriate pain medication after your surgery, to keep you comfortable. It is uncommon to need this for more than a week or so. (Amy M. Sprole, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon)

You really shouldn’t worry about being in pain, I am sure your surgeon will keep you comfortable with pain medication after your surgery. Most patients only need pain medication for a few days, and some not even that.

Pain After Surgery

Breast reduction patients are usually the most happy patients with immediate relief from back, neck and shoulder pain and are so thrilled with their new breasts. (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Pain after breast reduction

Surprisingly breast reduction is usually not a very painful procedure.

Most patients complain of some soreness, which can usually be controlled by tylenol or sometimes something a bit stronger. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Reduction – Is It Very Painful?

In general, this procedure is, perhaps surprisingly, relatively un-painful. Of course, there’s a wide variation from patient to patient and it’s hard to make any absolute statements, but this procedure is usually tolerated extremely well.

For one thing, many patients have such a dramatic reduction in weight and volume that, despite the normal post-surgical discomfort, they actually have less pain overall within 24 hours of the surgery. For another, the surgery does not involve major body cavities, or pressure under tissues (such as would occur with breast implants).

Swelling And Bruising May Last For Several Weeks

For that, reason, too, it’s generally tolerated pretty well. All in all – much less pain for this procedure that one might think. (Alan M. Engler, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction appreciates a high satisfaction rate, especially when appropriately applied. This surgery involves skin and breast only. There is no significant muscle manipulation. And, thus, minimal post operative pain.

With this being said, everyone is different. Everyone processes pain differently. You will likely go home with pain medication, and this will almost certainly curtail any significant discomfort. (Jason Hess, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

I am frequently impressed with how little pain my breast reduction patients have following surgery. Patients comment that they experience relief almost immediately from the burden of carrying heavy breasts. Many say that it is even easier for them to breathe because a weight has been lifted off of their chests.

Tylenol After Breast Reduction

Of course there is some soreness associated with breast reduction surgery, but this is counterbalanced by the dramatic relief of symptoms from having lighter breasts. (David Stoker, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Is breast reduction painful

Patients usually tolerate breast reduction surgery very well and take oral pain medication for about 2 or 3 days. Since there is no dissection of the chest muscles during the surgery, the pain is not very severe at all.

In fact, since the breasts are being reduced in size, many patients experience immediate improvement in their neck and back pain which was present due to their breast size. Compared to breast augmentation, breast reduction is generally less painful. (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Wearing A Surgical Bra 24 Hours A Day Can Help Reduce Swelling

Discomfort after breast reduction is managable

Breast reduction pain and discomfort are easily managed with a support bra and oral pain medication.

In our practice all breast reduction is done without any hospital stay or observation.

Most feel quite well after two to three days, and drains also are a thing of the past. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction is a well tolerated procedure


I’ve had a lot of patient report that they notice relief of neck and back pain in the recovery area after breast reduction surgery – I’ve found the procedure to be one of the most tolerable operations in plastic surgery, in terms of need for post-op pain medication and return to work. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

“Pain” is a very subjective feeling. After 34 years of doing breasts reductions the majority of patients have pain for a few days to a week which is easily controlled by prescription medications. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

In years of practice and thousands of reductions, I would say that it is a very well tolerated procedure and usually less painful than the patients expect that it would be. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)