Male Breast Reduction Before And After

View successful before and after photos of patients who have undergone male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery) with best plastic surgeons.

Gynecomastia reduction surgery is usually an elective procedure. There is a large range of “ideal” male breast sizes, so often, a conversation with your plastic surgeon before surgery helps to determine the optimal goal.

The goal is reduce the size of the chest, so that it is proportionate with the rest of the body.

It is important that some fat be left on the breast, or else the skin would be firm, immobile and attached directly to the muscle. This could lead to contour deformities and a loss of aesthetic balance.

Over resection can lead to indentations, and this can be difficult to repair. The goal is to reduce the size of the breast, and smooth contour the chest, so that the nipple is not puffy.

When the skin is firm, then liposuction or a small incision around the nipple is sufficient. When the skin is loose, additional techniques may be necessary to address the skin laxity.

Male breast reduction is increasingly common as people become more aware of surgeons ability to help with this problem.

Newer techniques make the operation more accessible with less scarring. If you are bothered with excess breast size, seek consultation with an experienced surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction.

Male breast reduction is done when the size of a man’s breasts bother him. That’s the “standard” you can use to decide when to seek a consultation for male breast reduction.

Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) is quite common and may be caused by a number of factors.

Assuming you are otherwise healthy and are a good candidate for treatment, you might have just liposuction to remove the extra fullness, or you may need a surgical excision (usually done through a small incision around the areola).

In most cases, the skin snaps back quite nicely. In more severe cases, the extra skin is removed surgically.
