Nuvell Clinics – Maple Grove

19 Year Old Female Treated With IPL By Dr Nuvell Clinics – Maple Grove

Laser and IPL treatments remove the appearance of spots and skin hyper-pigmentation by targeting the melanin in the darkened area and dispersing it. The tiny fragments of the pigment are then cleared through a natural process. This clears all of the pigmentation layers, to reveal even-toned, unblemished skin. As always, Alma’s pigmentation treatments are specially designed for your comfort, and are completely safe and effective for all skin types and colors, including dark skin. IPL photofacial uses high-intensity pulses, meaning the treatment can lead to more visible changes. The laser technology emits quick pulses of intense light to the targeted area. IPL is the preferred type of photofacial because it uses a broad-spectrum light source, making it an applicable treatment for a variety of skin problems, including acne, age spots, rosacea, acne scars, and more. Scattered intense pulsed light can penetrate to deeper layers of the skin beneath acne and fine lines without causing damage to the top layer. When the pulses touch the skin, the energy is absorbed by pigment cells and turns into heat. This heat beneath the surface of the skin can destroy spots, freckles, hair follicles, and the bacteria that may be causing the patient’s acne. ( 2 IPL Treatments for this Patient)

(Aug 26, 2021)