Outpatient Breast Reduction – Plastic Surgeons Opinions
Breast reduction can be performed as outpatient procedure
There is definitely an increase in the number and types of procedures that can be performed on an outpatient basis, and this includes breast reduction surgery.
Because this procedure is often covered by insurance, some of my patients want to stay overnight in the hospital.
However, with the advent of pain pumps and the routine use of anti-nausea medications, many patients elect to go home. Bottom line is that you should have a discussion with your surgeon about this issue, but it is not uncommon to perform this as an outpatient. (Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Most breast reductions can be done safely as an outpatient procedure with minimal complications. Breast reductions result in minimal pain and require very little post op care. Patients with major health problems may require an overnight stay in a hospital. (Kurtis Martin, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)

Benefits Of Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction Surgery is COMMONLY done as an Outpatient Procedure
In the US, there are few and rare compelling reasons to keep a patient overnight after a Breast Reduction procedure. The operation and anesthesia are safe and the patients can be discharged home safely after surgery without the expense and stress of spending the night in an unfamiliar setting.
I am not familiar with how my European and specifically, my Dutch colleagues handle Breast Reduction patients to advise you in that regard. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Reduction Surgery is Usually Done on an Outpatient Basis
The vast majority of breast reductions are performed on an outpatient basis. This can be done safely, with recovery in the comfort and privacy of ones own home. Obviously, occasional patients require inpatient treatment because of co-existing medical conditions.

Bust Reduction Might Also Help Improve Your Self-image
It represents a safe, convenient, cost effective approach to breast reduction surgery. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Of course, each surgeon has his or her particular routine but breast reduction is most typically done on an outpatient basis today. It may be in a doctor’s office (if there is an operating suite there), in an ambulatory surgery center or in a hospital – but it has become increasingly rare to stay overnight in a hospital after this surgery.
There are many exceptions, however. This include any underlying medical problems the patient may have, a combined procedure, any complications, or even if the surgery starts late in the day and it would be difficult for the patient to wake up adequately for discharge at a reasonable hour.

Bust Reduction Surgery Is Usually Done In A Hospital Or Outpatient Surgical Facility
Many factors need to be considered
I do often allow my patients to go home on the day of surgery after breast reduction surgery, but as with any other medical decision, whether or not to send let you go home after this type of procedure will depend on multiple details of your particular situation.
These would include your age and overall health status, the amount of help (or lack thereof) that you will have at home, and the details of the planned procedure and your goals.
On healthy patients with reasonable goals and a good home support system, I do think that outpatient breast reduction is safe and likely to achieve a high level of satisfaction. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

How Is Breast Reduction Done
Although each patient’s circumstance is different, assuming a healthy patient with no significant risk factors, breast reduction is predominantly performed as an out-patient. However, adequate post-operative must be ensured with a reasonable person caring for the patient or sending the patient to an after-care facility.
Most reductions are relatively low-pain procedures, however you must be prepared for treating pain if it develops. treating nausea and vomiting from the anesthesia, and caring for drains, hygiene, and ambulation immediately after surgery. Most of our patients are treated in accredited out-patient surgicenters and either go to a post-operative care facility with nurses or go home with a responsible adult caretaker.
Of course, there are patients with significant risks factors such as cardiac problems, hypertension, bleeding disorders that would benefit from having surgery in a hospital or who undergo massive reduction with significant blood loss or prolonged intraoperative time. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

How Long Does Breast Reduction Surgery Take
The main prerequisites for day case breast reduction surgery are: a healthy patient, who is motivated to go home after the surgery, has another adult at home who can look after them and phone for help in the event of problems lives within easy distance of my surgery facility
I would recommend an overnight stay for patients who have a history of problems with anaesthetics have significant medical problems don’t have someone at home to look after them have unexpected complications with the surgery do not live within easy distance of medical care do not wish to have day surgery are very anxious about the surgery
Most patients are surprised by the low levels of discomfort they experience after the surgery, and I find that many women prefer to be in the comfort of their own home when they are recuperating from a surgical procedure if given a choice. (Jill Tomlinson, MBBS, FRACS, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

Most Bust Reduction Surgeries Are Performed As Outpatient Procedures
I perform all my breast reduction procedures as outpatient surgeries either in an accredited ambulatory surgery center or at teaching hospitals. Barring postoperative complications related to the anesthesia, insurance companies will balk at an overnight stay.
Patients do extremely well at home. I would not encourage a patient to return to work four days after breast reduction surgery. Drains are in place for two to three days generally and sutures are not removed for almost two weeks.
It is not a difficult procedure from which to recover but the surgery should not be minimized. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Outpatient Breast Reduction Surgery
With rare exception, breast reduction surgery by Aesthetic Surgical Images surgeons has been done as an outpatient for the last 20 years. Some patients with other medical problems may require an “overnight stay.”. (John J. Heieck, MD (retired), Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

The Specific Bust Reduction Technique Used To Reduce The Size Of Your Breasts May Vary
It is an important aspect of the surgery. (Jeffrey J. Roth, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
We have done out patient breast reductions for more than 15 years and even wrote a paper about it in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Our patients who went home did as well or better than hospitalized patients.
Your surgeon will make the final decision as each patient is unique, but you do not need to routinely be hospitalized. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction can easily be performed on an outpatient basis in an otherwise healthy individual. The use of a pain pump can diminish post operative pain and the need for narcotic analgesics. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Undergo Breast Reduction Surgery
Currently, patients rarely experience substantial blood loss, and postoperative pain levels tend to be well controlled. I find that patients prefer to recover in the comfort of their own home. (Kelly Gallego, MD, FACS, Yuba City Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction is an outpatient procedure.
Almost all patients can return home after breast reduction. The operation is not particularly painful. There is little blood loss and most patients do not need admissions. Of course, there are always exceptions but at least 90% of reductions that I do are sent home after the operation. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
I do all my reductions as outpatient these days. This wasn’t always the case. I used to keep patients overnight and send them home the next day. Now I think patients actually do better at home if they have a good caregiver.
Twenty-five years ago when I was training in surgery, we would keep even straight forward hernia patients in the hospital for a week! I remember the first time, as a Chief Resident at the VA, we did an outpatient hernia.

Excess Breast Tissue, Fat And Skin Are Then Removed To Reduce The Size Of Each Breast
Breast Reduction is a routine day surgery procedure
It has taken a while, but physicians now have it down to the point where all breast reductions are done under a same day routine.
I leave drains in for one day and remove them on the first day after surgery, this also allows me to see the patient on day #2 to make sure that everything is going well. (Robert M. Freund, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
The majority of patients who undergo breast reduction go home the same day. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is typically well tolerated by most patients. If however, a patient has medical issues such as cardiac disease, diabetes, asthma,obesity, smoking, etc. that patient may require an overnight stay in a hospital or aftercare facility. Your surgeon needs to perform a complete history and physical examination and determine if you need to be medically cleared by your primary care physician prior to surgery.
Please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon prior to scheduling breast reduction surgery. (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)Most breast reduction patients should be able to go home the same day as their surgery. In patients who have undergone massive reductions, or whose pain after surgery is not well controlled with oral medication, or for other medical reasons, an overnight stay may be indicated. (Olivia Hutchinson, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Most of my breast reduction patients go home the same day as their surgery. In a few rare exceptions, we might keep someone overnight and let them go home the next morning. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Breast reduction surgery is very safe surgery and often can be done on in an outpatient setting. I will usually give my patient the option of staying in the hospital for one night if they prefer.
If they are larger breast reductions and may need more pain control, they will stay overnight. If there are any concerning medical problems, then they will also stay overnight. Many factors are discussed with the patient and we can make a mutual decision together. (Naveen Setty, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)Most breast reduction are performed as outpatient. However, some patient may need inpatient stay depending on their medical condition. I perform breast reduction under general anesthesia in the hospital setting to ensure safety. About 90% of my breast reduction patients will go home the same day.
Most of my patients have excellent pain control and do not need to take narcotic pain medications which is always prescribed. (Stanley Okoro, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Most breast reductions can be performed as an outpatient . This can be done in an ambulatory surgery center associated with a hospital or not.
It can also be done in an office based surgery center which is accredited by various agencies ie:AAAHC ,AAAASF etc Depending on the facility and the physicians preferance you may or may not have an overnight stay. (Joanne Lopes, MD, Virginia Beach Plastic Surgeon)