Plastic Surgeon Dr. Diane I. Duncan, MD, FACS in Fort Collins, Colorado

Dr. Diane I. Duncan, MD, FACS, Fort Collins, Colorado (80525) 62 Year Old Spouse Treated Left Arm With Microneedling And DefenAge Post-treatment Serum Photo

62 year old with severe sun damage of the arms due to chronic sun exposure. She was treated with a single session using the ProCell device with a 0.5 mm tip. Post-treatment moisturization with DefenAge serum was performed at 10 minutes, thirty minutes, and one hour post-treatment. DefenAge serum has protein signaling agents, or defensins, that stimulate your own quiescent stem cells to respond to an imagined injury. The new collagen produced gives the appearance of rejuvenated and rehydrated skin. Usually multiple treatments with microneedling are required to produce any significant result. With the addition of DefenAge for post care, the number of treatments is reduced. Remarkably, there was no temporary deformity nor down time with this treatment.

(Sep 6, 2019)