Dr. Hickman, Long Beach, California (90807) Aesthetic Nose Surgery Male Post Nasal Trauma With Bridge Collapse Results

This is a older adolescent male suffering several compression nasal trauma after an auto accident with airway obstruction. At the time it was felt a rib cartilage graft was the best solution for restoration the bridge collapse. A closed augmentation rhinoplasty was performed with carved costal (rib) cartilage and slivers of the rib used in the tip. Early result. Some warping of the rib cartilage was noted at 3 years and plans for reshaping with ear cartilage were considered. Rib cartilage has tendency to warp over time unless small sections are used and are covered with soft tissue or now alloderm grafts, so warping ia reduced. Male noses in particular that are severely compressed from trauma require a large bridge graft. The use of septum and ear cartilage with abundant alloderm or cadaver grafts are ideally used today. (Aug 5, 2014)